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Today is the first day of May, which officially marks the start of our wedding season!! After doing some camera bag spring cleaning, I’m sharing some of my favorite wedding must-have items! I am one of those people who is always WAY over prepared, and I’m always ready for worst-case-senario. Don’t worry, I don’t have […]

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GUYS. I found my first macbook from 2009 and I’m a little on the fence about either burning to rid the world of the EMBARRASSING hundreds of selfies I took back almost ten years ago….but before I do, I rounded up some of my very first photos I ever took with my first “real” camera! […]

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The day is finally here!! So much time and planning has gone into this day and now it’s actually happening! There are a handful of items you want to have ready for your photographer as soon as they show up. While you’re finishing up with your hair and makeup, your photographer is photographing all of […]

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Hi all! I’ve been excited to share this, because I LOVE reading these kind of product review blogs, and I decided to do one of my own! These are my top 10 favorite bath and beauty products – all under $100! This also gave me the perfect excuse to test out my brand new macro […]

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You’re engaged! Your notifications are blowing up from your perfectly filtered ring shot on Instagram, you’ve made all of the mandatory family phone calls and you can FINALLY turn your  Pinterest wedding board from private to public. Now what? It’s to start planning and making those Pinterest dreams come to life. Some people love the […]

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I’m so excited to finally share my new desk/workspace! This has been a LONG time coming, and I love how it turned out! I have been known to be a little bit of a neat-freak and I despise clutter….but you’d never know that looking at my old desk! I had SO much stuff, piled onto […]

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Back in the fall of 2017, I enrolled in online classes at Franklin University for my master’s degree in Instructional Design. In normal-people words, it’s basically learning how to create educational content to best suit the needs of the learners….A.K.A – learn how to make stuff that needs to be taught. I graduated with my […]

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Standing out in the big WWW. world is pretty terrifying. You’re up against SO many other websites, platforms, domains, the list goes on. Believe me when I say that I have had my FAIR SHARE of online fails. When I think back  almost eight  years ago to my very first website, I can’t even tell […]

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I am SO happy to say that this will probably be the last remodel post for a while!! We have officially crossed off the last room remodel on our list! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ALMOST 2 YEARS I CAN FINALLY DO LAUNDRY AT MY OWN HOUSE!!! So, if you’re up to date on our […]

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GUYS. I can’t tell you how anxious and exited I’ve been to FINALLY be able to post this entry!!! If you follow me on any form of social media, you’ll see that we (Dustin) has been working hard on getting our new bathroom up and running, and…..IT IS FINALLY DONE!!! So when we bought the […]