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I am not good at being bad at things, and “embrace the struggle” is the epitome of an eye-roll in my book. As many of us do, I like being great at what I do, and I have a hard time stepping out of that comfortable box.  I had forgotten how familiar self-doubt felt. It […]

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2018 has officially wrapped up, and I’m sharing my favorite shots from our 2018 wedding season!!!   Best Entrance – Emily & David Emily’s walk down the aisle was definitely one of my favorites! Her sweet son escorted her down the aisle, and she SANG her way down to meet David!! Amazing!!   Best Shoes […]

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It happened 2 weeks ago over a  game of Monopoly Ultimate Banking, which for those of you who are not savvy to the never ending world of Monopoly versions, includes “debit cards” that you swipe, which automatically keep track of your funds. Consumerism at it’s finest. Also included are game cards that you draw, which […]

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Hey, hey! We all know that there are a million things to get done when planning a wedding, so today I am breaking it all down, month-by-month, sharing exactly what needs to get done and booked during the year prior to your big day! Let’s get to it! 12+ Months Prior  Set A Budget! Ugh, […]

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Hey, hey! As I’m getting ready to prep for the upcoming 2019 season, I wanted to share a few helpful tips for those couples who have decided on a half-day coverage photo package for their wedding day! First off, I think it’s important to first establish the difference between our two packages, the full day […]

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Hey, hey! My recent post about the gift guide for the bride-to-be was one of my most viewed entries, EVER! So, I decided to share another gift guide, but this time, for all women! I’ve listed 15 items that are either on my wish list this year, or items that I already own that you’ve […]

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For many small business owners, the off-season is quickly approaching. Right after the new year, it’s not uncommon to see business slow down for a bit. People are hibernating because they’re cold, or broke from the holidays (or both) and it can be easy to find yourself in a little bit of a rut. This […]

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I have scoured through Etsy and found some hidden gems that are perfect gifts for the bride-to-be in your life! One of my favorite things about Etsy is that these items are all from handmade artisans, real people, running a small business. You KNOW I’m all about that! All of these gifts, except for one, […]

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I knew it almost as soon as I woke up yesterday morning. I ran downstairs to let my dogs out, only to be met by a big ol’ pile of shit at the bottom of the stairs. Too late. The TurboShot machine was down at Dunkin’ (again) and my to-do list was nauseating. Lovely day […]

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I shared a really exciting announcement LIVE on Facebook earlier this week, and I’ve been keeping it under wraps for over a month now! Watch the live announcement HERE! We officially welcomed the newest member of CFP, Samarah, so of course, to kick off her introduction, we had an impromptu  photoshoot! I needed some updated […]