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Hey!! I’m SO excited for your upcoming engagement session, so I wanted to answer some of the most common e-session questions, and send over a few tips and info that will help you prep for our time together! 1. What Should I Wear? Probably one of the harder decisions to make is deciding what to […]

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“Who’s going to photograph your wedding?” has been the most common and frequent question I’ve been asked since I got engaged – and I finally have an answer!! I’m sharing all the details, and telling you how I really feel about being on “the other side” of the whole wedding photographer thing. It’s not a […]

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We are in the midst of the crazy in our 8th wedding season, and I thought it would be the perfect time to share some of my never-before-shared, best-kept secrets, advice and mindset shifts, when it comes to kicking ass at wedding photography. Most of these lessons I’ve either learned the hard way or wished […]

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I thought about you the other day. Shortly after I posted my long-awaited ring selfie that took 15 tries until it was Insta-worthy, I thought about you. Because up until an hour before that Instagram post, I was you. For many years, I was the one who felt a very specific twang in the gut […]

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It’s been a week today, and I still can’t believe Dustin and I are ENGAGED! The outpouring of love from everyone has been so immense and we SO appreciate it! I wanted to share a little bit about how it happened, why it was SO sweet and sentimental, AND I’m answering the most popular question […]

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I’ve shared about my camera equipment and gear before, but now I want to share some of my all-time favorite and must-have things, any and all ladies in business (or not) probably need in their lives. These products have seriously helped me and my workflow, and I’m hoping maybe some of these are a tax […]

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A few months ago, we announced that we were selling our house. It came out of the blue and was sort of a spur of the moment thing, brought on by casually scrolling through Zillow one night. I blogged about the renovations we’ve made to our house, and to be honest, that post has been […]

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You’re doing what?!? “But I feel like you JUST moved into that place?!” or, “but what about all of that work and remodels?!” Questions like these have been pretty common lately since we announced to our close family and friends (and Facebook) that we are putting our house on the market. If we’re still here […]

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Hey friends! The warmer weather is right around the corner, and I’ve been getting a ton of questions all about engagement sessions. So, today I’m answering your most frequently asked questions, and we’ll go over everything you need to know about planning, preparing and executing a great e-session!   When Should I Schedule My E-Session? […]

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‘Tis the tax time season! But let’s talk about the good kind of audit – your facebook newsfeed audit. This probably isn’t something you thought you needed, but trust me that you’ll thank me later! It’s no secret that I have a serious love-hate relationship with social media, Facebook especially, for various reasons both professionally […]